List of active policies

Name Type User consent
Privacy policy Privacy policy All users
Site policy Site policy All users
Marketing policy Other policy All users


This privacy policy relates to user accounts created on this site.

Full policy

Privacy and personal data

We take your privacy very seriously. In order to provide access to this site, we need to collect and store personal information about you. 

This site is open to everyone, and as such, any data you post in forum discussions or elsewhere can be seen by anyone, and may be quoted, copied or used elsewhere.  It is your responsibility not to post data that you want to keep private.

We respect your privacy, and as a participant, you do not have to use your real name to sign up.  However, be aware that any badges you earn will display your name exactly as you entered it here.

An email address is required for this site to work correctly. Again, we respect your privacy and your email address will not be shared beyond those running the courses or sold to any third party. We may send you follow-up emails after the course to ask for your evaluation and inform of you future training options, new course dates or other resources. You will always be able to opt out using the 'unsubscribe' link in the email.

What is collected?

We collect the data that you provide when creating an account, such as name and email. We also collect data about your activity on the site, including any contributions that you make.

How is this information used?

This information is used to provide access to the online courses on this site and so that HW group and its relevant Certified Partners running the courses can contact you with improvements and suggestions regarding your use of this site. By accessing our site you permit HW group and its relevant Certified Partners to send you such information.

How long is my data stored?

Your personal data is stored as long as your account is active on this site.

For our full data privacy policy please see the Privacy Notice .


Our site policy explains our limits of service and code of conduct.

Full policy

By agreeing to this site policy, you acknowledge that you understand and agree with the following points.

Limits of service

No guarantee or warranty is expressed or implied.

We are providing the HWg Academy courses free to you to help you learn about HWg products and services.

Code of conduct

On this open community site participants are expected to act responsibly and to show respect and consideration to other users.


  • Only post meaningful and relevant content to the discussion forums and elsewhere.
  • Do not post unsolicited advertisements or spam.
  • Do not harass other users.
  • Do not upload or post materials that are unsuitable for people under 13 years old.
  • Do not abuse the limits of this free service by uploading gigabytes of videos or other files.
  • Do not upload anything that you don't have copyright for.

We will endeavour to remove any content that is deemed inappropriate. Spammers or anyone else who persists in violating our code of conduct will have their account blocked. To report spam or any other site policy issue, please use the contact form.

HWg Academy News

If you would like HW group to send you information about Moodle products, services, recommendations or promotions, you can subscribe to our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails.


I would like to receive marketing communications from HW group.

Full policy

Confirm your consent to receive marketing communications from HW Group, such as information about new products, press releases, invitations to exhibitions, etc.

By giving your consent, you are aware that we will process the personal data you provide in order to facilitate your request. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data is that it is necessary to fulfill our legitimate interest in providing you with the subscription, unsubscription and/or information you have requested. For further details, please see our Privacy Policy.